Unplanned Pregnancy

An unplanned pregnancy can cause fear and confusion. It is important that you think very carefully about your decision. The decision of whether to continue or terminate a pregnancy is one of the most important decisions a woman has to make and always has long-term effects. In crisis situations our thoughts and feelings are often mixed. Do not make your decision without thinking through all your options and their consequences. Do not make the decision alone. You can talk with a health professional or someone close to you or you can contact Itu-project. Take time to listen to yourself. You can ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How did you feel when you first found out about your pregnancy? How do you feel now?
  2. What worries you the most?
What does your partner think about your pregnancy? Does he have an opinion? How much does his opinion affect your decision?
  4. What about other people close to you; parents, friends etc. Do they have an opinion and how it affects you?
  5. What do you know about an abortion and how it affects women?
  6. Have you suffered from depression in the past? Infromation about Postabortionstressyndrome pdf
  7. Do you know what kind of support you will receive from the social care if you continue the pregnancy?
  8. What are your values? Did you have an opinion on abortion before your unplanned pregnancy?
  9. Can you think of your gains and losses if different options came true:
    1. Continuing your pregnancy
    2. Abortion
    3. Adoption/Foster care

What things rise up as most important to you?

  1. What feelings these different options raise in you?
  2. What kind of support do you need in making your decision?

  Be honest and listen to yourself and your heart, because you will live with your decision the rest of your life. A decision made against our values often leads in to regret afterwards. It is important that you don’t make a decision based on others opinions or pressuring. Whatever the decision, its consequences are biggest in your own life. Itu-project offers free and confidential support. Our aim is that you get a chance to go through your feelings and thoughts about your situations and options in a safe environment. You are making a big decision and it is important to make it well. We offer help for everyone no matter what are your circumstances, values, beliefs, background or age. You can come alone, with your spouse or someone else close to you. Send a message to 040 832 9001 or send an email to itu@ituprojekti.fi If you are in Helsinki area, send a message to 040 5188 783 or an email to ituhelsinki@tnnky.fi